So I have come up with and narrowed down a new deck idea recently. Just to state something from the get go, I absolutely abhor people who just copy and paste a winning SCO deck and then just run the mess out of it. Just doesn't feel right to me. I mean, yes, everything under the sun has been done and I'm sure anything you run is going to be a slight modification of something someone else is running somewhere . . . but at least TRY to make it your own in some way shape or form. Anywho, I digress . . .
So I started off with a homebrew I cooked up with Master Biomancer and Progenitor Mimic, leaning heavily on things like Thragtusk and Deadeye Navigator and lots of ramp to get things flowing on the field nicely. Well, it didn't work as fast as I wanted and even adding things like Loxodon Smiter wasn't getting me enough defense and I was getting shredded by aggro and boardwipe decks. So I went back to the basics, since where I was getting beat was ramping out of cards, and topdecking into nothing but lands or just things that did me no good.
So I revamped it yet again, adding in things like Predator Ooze and even tried a black splash version using Corpsejack Menace and Lotleth Troll, but never even took it to FNM it did so poorly during playtesting. So I was almost ready to give up on the whole G/U/W idea completely and just go back to my Mono-Black roots and try to do some type of Immortal Servitude deck, when I came across Prime Speaker Bant.
I was intrigued by the setup and didn't like a few things about it, namedly that it used Restoration Angel to blink things, and I just don't like the consistency of that card when it comes to the blink effect. I am sold on Deadeye Navigator for it's use there. One more CMC and I can blink anything as much as I want as long as I have the 2 mana to do so, much much more consistent. And it gets nasty when you blink Thragtusk 5 times in a matter of seconds. I have had games where I get down to 4 life by turn 4 or 5 against aggro, and turn around and have 34 by the end of turn 5 with 5 3/3 Beast Tokens on the field to boot. Don't draw another Prime Speaker Zegana and are in a stall? Just blink Deadeye Navigator and Soulbond with the Prime Speaker and then blink it to draw cards. So useful. I digress again.
I also removed Loxodon Smiter from the Prime Speaker Bant for Predator Ooze because I love the Indestructable ability for use against Bant Auras decks, because those can get super annoying. You pump Predator Ooze to the teeth and he can be a very formidable threat.
I like the Angel of Serenity because it gives me good options. I can either exile my own creatures and Cloudshift my AOS to return them all and then exile opponents if I need the boost or life gain. I also run Acidic Slime, and he is just downright nasty if you drop him turn 3 and in the following turns blink him to destroy land base, leaving your opponent hosed. That is especially nasty if they are running aggro.
But enough with the bore, I will post a decklist a bit later so you can look and comment as to what you think or don't think about how it's put together. Most people would say it looks nothing like Prime Speaker Bant the original, but I am perfectly okay with that. As I was just using it as a basic template that seemed to fit cards I already wanted to use and was using without completely ditching an idea.
So until later this evening, I bid you farewell.
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