Sunday, September 29, 2013

Theros Standard Budget Brew Challenge

   We here at MTG The Journey had an idea, and want to extend a challenge to you the readers. If you can get your home-brewed Standard deck to do 3-1 or better for 3 weeks straight, we want to feature your deck on here for others to see and experiment with. The rules will be as follows:

#1 - The total deck price cannot exceed more than $100 (we will give you two bonus Theros booster packs if it's less than $50!!) Also, use TCG player as the price base for your submission.

#2 - The deck HAS to be original, (your idea) and cannot mimic a net-deck that you found.

#3 - The deck HAS to feature cards from Theros.

#4 - The deck has to go 3-1 or better at Sanctioned events for 3 consecutive "*attended" weeks. (and we have to see proof of this, IE Screenshots of your Planeswalker Points showing your wins)

*attended weeks being 3 FNMs in a row that you attend, we understand if you can't make every FNM.

   If you manage to fulfill these rules, and send us your decklist in the form of an email (provided at the end of the post) we will feature your deck on the blog with you as the creator, and we will build and play the deck ourselves at an FNM event, and report how it did for everyone else to see vs. our current meta.

   The point is to get your decks out there that you spend so much time perfecting, so that other people in other meta's can use fresh and new ideas. And we want to see how people use these cards in this new set creatively. The contest will end Jan 1'st, 2014. And the top deck that was featured will win 3 booster packs of the next Theros Set, Born of the Gods, and (if we can get them made by then) a MTG The Journey T-shirt. To make the competition a little more heated.

    We look forward to seeing what people come up with, and wish you the best of luck in your brewing!!
As always, thanks for reading and stay tuned for future posted decks and contests!

    Email your suggestions to