Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Looking forward to Game Day

   Due to being super busy on other projects, as well as doing a  very intense amount of across the country trading via mail, I have not being doing much playing other than on Cockatrice playtesting my newest mutilation against various other decks to try and get a feel for what works, and what does not. I hold my own against Speed Aggro Rakdos, I know that much. My game is a slow starter, but I have a fair bit of removal to deal with pesky starter ups. I promise, I will get a deck list on here as soon as I can, most likely it will be Friday, as I won't be attending FNM due to the fact that I currently do not have all the cards for my new deck, and I currently do not have any other decks put together. I pretty much have exhausted my trade pool and collection to try and build this new deck. And when most of the cards are between $5.50-$12 each, with a couple being as high as $18, things start to get pricey real fast. Just off the top of my head I have $21 wrapped up in Master Biomancer, $48 wrapped up in Temple Garden, $18 in Breeding Pool, with another $18 still to go, $14 in Hinterland Harbor, with $14 more to go, $16 in Loxodon Smiter, $10 in Progenitor Mimic, $22 in Thragtusk, $22 in Sunpetal Grove, $12 in Primordial Hydra, and a few other odds and ends that aren't really that costly, but still take time to aquire. That's already $185 worth of trading, just in the last 15 days or so. And I'm not quite done yet. But seeing as how I started out with only a Master Biomancer, a Progenitor Mimic, a Vorel of the Hull Clade and a couple of Primordial Hydra, it's not bad how far I have come.

   So needless to say, I am plugging forward with trading currently, and starting days in work next week. So things are looking up! Look forward to that deck list and any suggestions from the readers will be greatly appreciated. As always, if you read, I appreciate it, and talk to you later!

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