Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Looking forward to playing Junk Reanimator

   So we are waiting for our card orders to come in from MTG Madness and from various trades on Tappedout to complete our Theros Junk Re-Animator deck. We can't wait to try it out this weekend, as well as a PTQ Sealed event here in Ames, IA.
   We're not sure whether or not the FNM events this weekend will be Standard or Draft yet, but most of our LGS run Draft or Sealed events first weekend of the month. So we might be able to buy some extra time to get our Mono-Black deck together and ready to run a few trial games by then as well. We are eager to see how they perform in our local meta and in other meta's as we travel to different locations to get an overall feel of what we need to tweak and mainboard.
   Look forward to some reviews of casual playtesting of Junk Re-Animator, as well as our Mono-Black decklist this week upcoming as well! We are still working on brewing an All-American-Control deck, it's just to get through with all the card sorting we've been doing lately.
   We are going through our binders and card boxes, and clearing out anything older than RTR block, and throwing together our collectors' binders of M13 and Innistrad for later use with EDH and Modern. This is eating up quite a bit more time than we imagined, and we have a ton to trade in at coolstuffinc towards some store credit. We sure do love that extra 20% store credit on turn-ins!
   As always thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out our review of MTG Madness that we did just recently, go check out their card store and take advantage of the 20% off they are offering for the month of October! You can find the links through the banners here on the blog as well!
   Also, make sure you look at our Theros Standard Budget Brew Contest we are hosting. With top deck taking prizes home in January!!