Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Theros Full Spoiler Breakdown - Red and Green

Ok I will quit procrastinating. I got sidetracked today by putting together my newest brew, which you can find in the post before this one. But I'm getting there with getting these last colors out there and my opinions on them. So let's dig right in and start with the Red Mythics and Rares.

Purphoros, God of the Forge | Magic: The Gathering Card

First up we have the God of the Forge. This is said to be the best card in the set, and you can see why. EVERY time a creature enters the field under your control, you get to deal 2 damage to the face of your opponent. Not to spoil the fun for this card, but this matches up so perfectly with Akroan Crusader
it's scary. That and Young Pyromancer
will be a good matchup for the RDW decks out there. You can cast a Dynacharge
on all your Heroic dudes, and you are gaining 2 tokens, both of which trigger this God, dealing 4 to your opponent's face at a minimum. I would say that kicks major butt. RDW is going to be hard to deal with when this combo gets going. Another one that matches up well with this is Ogre Battledriver
,which in turn gives those tokens you just created Haste and a handy +2/+0 to swing in with. Just ridiculous. But on to something else.
Stormbreath Dragon | Magic: The Gathering Card

Our other Red Mythic, pro White, which is nasty in its own rights. So for 5, you get a 4/4 with Flying and Haste. Then for 7, it becomes a 7/7 flyer that could deal some nasty damage. You'd better hope that you don't have a full hand when that Monstrosity trigger goes off. That could indeed be a game ender.

To deal with this, you almost need a counter or an instant removal card. Yuck. Another winner for those RDW decks, and one I hope I don't come up against.

Anger of the Gods | Magic: The Gathering Card

I hate it. But not because it's bad. Because it's good. Say goodbye to your little tokens, say goodbye to your weenies, say goodbye to anything that doesn't have regenerate. In my colors, I would hope I had a Golgari Charm
laying around to regen everything I had out. If not, this could really put a hurting on your deck.

I see this getting used and abused a bunch.

Ember Swallower | Magic: The Gathering Card

Sacrifice 3 lands? I'm not so sure I understand the motive behind that. I mean, if you win the roll and go first, I guess you could play this, have a Satyr Hedonist
out there, and then turn 5 blast out the Monstrosity ability and hit the opponent hard and have your 7/8 Swallower on the field to wreak havoc with them and you at 1-2 mana each, which doesn't leave them much room to recover. But still, that seems like a not-so-smart way to go to me. But hey, those aren't my colors, so I'm not so sure I'm the one to talk to on this one.

Firedrinker Satyr | Magic: The Gathering Card

Sooo . . . I am lost. Next card.

Hammer of Purphoros | Magic: The Gathering Card

What is the deal with sacking lands??? Why would you want to do that? WHY!!

I get the creatures you control have Haste, I really do. But WHY would you sack your own land?? Isn't that hurting you in the long run? How many times can you sack your own land to create a token before you have no more land??

Labyrinth Champion | Magic: The Gathering Card

Okay, this one makes sense. When targeted by a spell, deal 2 damage to something, even straight at your opponent. In combo with some of the aforementioned cards, this fits very well into the Heroic strategy.

I don't however, get how this made Rare over the best common in Theros. Akroan Crusader.

Rageblood Shaman | Magic: The Gathering Card

The Minotaur Tribal leader. Gives all your horned bullheaded guys a boost. And Trample. Word. I like Minotaurs. I see a tribal deck happening around this guy.

Titan of Eternal Fire | Magic: The Gathering Card

So a Giant who has a place in a Human deck? If only it was a Human Giant and not just a Giant I could see this Titan being a tribal leader himself. Still, with some Human Soldier tokens out there, 1 to the face could be pretty nasty.

Well, that's it for Red. Overall, some good stuff in there. But extremely underwhelming in my opinion. They got their bomb Mythics, and a couple good Rares in there. I for one am happy with that. Red has dominated MTG for quite a while now. It's about time they limited the power a bit. Time for them to play a little slower and not be able to win turn 4. Which in my humble opinion is what I think WOTC is going for. A more mid-range meta game. And with all the LG out there right now, even with the bombs Red is going to have to work HARD to get early game wins.

On to the Green cards!!

Nylea, God of the Hunt | Magic: The Gathering Card

Well, she gives creatures Trample. Not herself, but all your other guys. And the +2/+2 for 4. Not all that exiting.

I guess the 6/6 for 4 isn't bad, and Green isn't one that's hard to get the devotion in. I dunno, I'm just not overly impressed. And watch, I'll have 3 of her the first week of the Theros release.

Polukranos, World Eater | Magic: The Gathering Card

I'm honestly not sure what to think of this Hydra. I mean the flavor and intent are freakin cool. I'm just not so sure of it's Monstrosity ability. Probably one of the most strangely worded abilities they could come up with.

I mean, here's the deal. I'd play him just because he is aggressive as hell. A 5/5 for 4, yep, that's good. And then if you need a mana dump or need to get rid of some tokens in a hurry. He's got your back with a low mana cost Monstrosity. You can rid yourself of some pesky tokens and swing for some nasty damage. All in all, good deal. I wouldn't be disappointed to pull this.

Anthousa, Setessan Hero | Magic: The Gathering Card

She's good in her own rights. I actually would have picked Green if not for her being the Seeded Rare you are guaranteed in your intro pack. I'm just not a fan of the lands becoming creatures and becoming subject to removal mid-game for a turn. Not for me.

I'm not sure how this will be used, but I kind of hope to see someone try to use it.

Arbor Colossus | Magic: The Gathering Card

Another 5 CMC 6/6. And next turn if you hit that mana drop you can make him a 9/9. Okay, I can see that. BUT I don't like the conditionality (I may have just made that word up) of this card. It's Monstrous ability is to destroy a creature with Flying?

Seems to me that this will be someone's sideboard card of choice against a mid-game flyer.

Boon Satyr | Magic: The Gathering Card

YES!!!! I love it, love it, love it. Power in the Forest ladies and gents. A 4/2 for 3!! And it can be FLASHED for a pump of 4/2 to another guy. Oh man, it doesn't get much better than that folks.

This little mean Satyr is going to be used to death.

Bow of Nylea | Magic: The Gathering Card

It's good. Oh yes, its good. Deathtouch bestower of goodness. I want it for my deck, I just don't have a slot figured out right now. It just has SO many uses. I could go on and on.

I will say that I see this getting used in a top 8 deck.

Mistcutter Hydra | Magic: The Gathering Card

Non-counterable mana dump. Pro blue. Someone doesn't like control decks. He is the Anti-Control creature and is going to see constructed so much his many heads are going to spin.

I like it, and he goes in swinging with that Haste as well. This is a good investment.

Reverent Hunter | Magic: The Gathering Card

Okay, so you just don't cast him until you have 3 creatures on the field, or a Bow, or whatever. He's got some potential to be nasty.

I can get behind it. I see it being useful. Won't make constructed, but it's decent limited.

Sylvan Caryatid | Magic: The Gathering Card

Probably my favorite Green card in a long time. Mana-fixing that can't be burned and destroyed easily. And you can defend with it.

I plan on using it. A lot.

And that's all for Green folks.  I covered all 5. Tomorrow is the multi-colored stuff and there are some doozies in there.

As always. Thanks a bunch for reading. And look forward to your opinions!

Theros Re-Animator Deck

So just taking a break for a few from the previews, I have taken some time and done a bit of research into what Whip of Erebos is capable of in New Standard. I am pleasantly suprised to see that I can stay pretty much where I want to stay with my colors and just annihilate with some re-animation. To give credit where credit is due, I first saw this on Roguedeckbuilder and liked it as a kickoff platform.

 Here is my Rough draft so far:

Creatures: (23)        

2x Angel of Serenity

2x Armada Wurm

1x Ashen Rider

4x Elvish Mystic

1x Giant Adephage

2x Lord of the Void

3x Lotleth Troll

2x Obzedat, Ghost Council

4x Sylvan Caryatid

2x Trostani, Selesnya's Voice

Sorcery: (4)

4x Commune with the Gods

Instant: (8)

2x Abrupt Decay

3x Grisly Salvage

3x Rescue from the Underworld


4x Whip of Erebos

Land (22)

3x Forest

4x Overgrown Tomb

3x Plains

4x Swamp

4x Temple Garden

4x Temple of Silence

Now to kind of give a rundown of some things I am looking at here in this build. This brew has the potential to get nasty real fast. It does of course have it's drawbacks, one of the main ones being the enchantment removal, so I need to have an answer for that. And it might not be as difficult to achieve as we might think.

So let's walk through this step by step here on what I hope to accomplish.

Now the base of the deck is to use the Whip of Erebos
to re-animate cards in the graveyard without paying the high mana costs associated with them. Early in the game you want to use your ramp with your Elvish Mystics
and use your Sylvan Caryatids
to ramp into the colors that you need, as well as be untargetable blockers. I think these are going to end up being early game targets for Pacifism
or Arrest
to stop me from mana fixing. Thankfully I have a good sideboard card in Golgari Charm
to deal with those pesky things.

Now once we get into the ramp, we want to start playing Grisly Salvage
and Commune with the Gods
as fast as possible to try to get to a Lotleth Troll
on the field as soon as we can. I mean, the hope is to draw into one in the opening hand, but we have to realize that isn't going to happen reliably. The reason we want him early on, is to discard away any of the big boys we might draw into so that when a Whip of Erebos
we have targets for it immediately. The other card we want to see early on is Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
because with the Whip on the field, all our creature get the awesome Lifegain ability. And when we re-animate anything, or cast an Obzedat, Ghost Council
we get just ridiculous amount of life coming back to as as we go in swinging. This will help with things like Purphoros, God of the Forge
and his ability to deal damage with creatures entering the battlefield from their side. Now it would be fun to have that guy exiled with Lord of the Void
and have him join our side for some shinanigans. But I mean, hey, we can dream right.

The main combo we want to see go off is to have an Angel of Serenity

sitting in our graveyard with a Armada Wurm
and a Giant Adephage
and something else. You target the Angel with the Whip, bring it out swinging and then it leaves and you bring those nasty buggers out just wreaking havoc and gaining life like crazy. So much damage so fast. And the other resource we have is Rescue from the Underworld
to take out something like an Armada Wurm
which leaves it's token behind, and then you get another one when it re-enters the field and brings a friend with it like Lord of the Void
who in turn is going to mill them 7, and he steals a friend from them to fight for you as well. There are some pretty nice combos that can turn up in here.

Now of course, there are going to be the hard matchups. And I am going to look at building an ironclad sideboard for this. I can see things like Putrefy
coming in very handy against, say a Young Pyromancer
who can wreak a considerable amount of damage if left unchecked.

If I was a rich man, Voice of Resurgence
would be an EXCELLENT card for this deck, but alas, I can't afford one of those right now, let alone the 2 of I would need to make it worth it in this deck. But I do concede, it does have a place here for those of you who may have it.

Well for now I am done with my explanation, have fun with the idea and do with it what you will. I'm pretty sure this is the build I am going to invest it right out of the gate. There will be more to follow with what I run into. As always, thanks for reading and I value any opinions you might have to add!