So Kevin on hit on a subject that is very near and dear to me, in the form of people who play Netdecks. But more specifically, how it seems that all the top decks in Standard are people who either play a variant of, or an exact copy of a Netdeck. There is just no originality. Nobody doing anything out of the norm or off the beaten path. It's seriously freakin annoying.
And of course, you get excuses for why people do it too.
"I'm no good at building my own decks."
"I don't have the time do that much homework."
"I'm just going to lose if I try to brew my own ideas."
You know what all that sounds like to me, you just don't want to put forth the effort to make something good on your own. And this is why every common and uncommon in a set never gets used. Or people say, "Oh, you know what would work better there, a (fill in rare that runs $30 a card)."
I run G/W/B all the time, and the most common card I get recommended is Voice of Resurgence
and it is sure annoying. If I wanted to run Voice of Resurgence I would. I don't honestly see the card as being THAT good. Not to justify spending $50-$60 a card. I will find something like I like a LOT more than that to run. I even have stated on Tappedout before that I DON'T want to run VOR and people still try to convince me that a deck needs it.
Or like just recently, my new BWG Re-Animator deck, I just got comments that it will never see competative play because Scavenging Ooze
exists. Really? I would think that Rest in Peace
poses more of a threat than that! But both can be removed from the field with Abrupt Decay
without too much problem, and there are tons of other answers as well! The advice they gave was to make a more mid-rangey style deck that relied heavily on creatures and not so much on re-animator. IT'S A RE-ANIMATOR DECK!!!! If I can't do what I want with it, then why bother even trying? I mean, if your best advice is build a different deck, then save your opinions. That's not what I want. YOU build a different deck. I want to get mine to work or fail trying, but at least I'm not copying someone else's idea and winning like it's mine.
Okay, I'm done now. Just wanted to get that out of my system.