Monday, January 13, 2014

Born of the Gods Spoilers

So friends, we just got two new spoilers, and both of them look friggin dynamite.
First up we have a new Heroic card, and man is it a doozie

This guy is a bear with teeth!! It has also already been confirmed that the 1 less to cast also applies for Enchantment Creatures!! Holy moley this cat is strong!! Plus the Heroic effect!! If we see an Enchantment with Inspiration that's worth two pennies this guy will have it on him. He is just begging to be broke!!
Naya Blitz Auras might be back, yikes!!

The Second card we get makes me groan with uncomfortableness for the Boros and RDW decks!!

Yuck! Can you imagine this and the Phoenix Burn deck out there right now? 
Now they have two of these suckers that either beat down or just keep on coming. 

Stay tuned for more up-to-date spoilers as they hit!!

I also want to make a quick note to say, if you already get some brewing ideas, let me know
send me an email and I will post them up here with your name as new cards are added
Same goes for neat card interactions, let me know what you see and I will add them with
your name to the blog!! The ones who get the most at the end might get a prize or something. 
I might actually turn this into a contest. Any takers??

Even more Born of the Gods Spoilers!!

 Hey there MTGers

   So remember how we saw those Inspiration mechanic cards in my last post. I kind of figured we would get an enabler for those cards other than just attacking to get the creature tapped. I mentioned SpringLeaf Drum as one of those cards, and here is the new art for that card.

Also, yet another enabler for the Inspiration mechanic, and this one seems almost too good. Discard engine! And card draw, and a way to activate an Inspiration trigger. Yikes!!

I looked it up on the mothership, and it isn't confirmed yet on there, but it seems ligitimate enough to be real. Still, I will make the disclaimer that it could be a fake. Always refer to the mothership (link provided at the bottom) for official spoilers.

   Here are a few high costed creatures, but seem to have some unique abilities if played in the right decks

And the last of the latest ones, a new Hydra with the Tribute mechanic stamped on it. 

Personally, I think this one is a fake. A 6/6 for 6, that has the capability to be a 12/12 or fight another creature? Probably not.

Well, that's it for right now folks. As always, we will keep you updated on spoilers and other info.
Stay brewing.


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