Which I probably will, as it is my guild.
Azorius being my runner up. If I played 2 pre-releases, it would be my second. But as I won't get that option, I have to pick.
So, here are the cards that I will be looking for to play it out.
Starting with
Gruul and it only, here is my base
"Danger! Danger Will Robinson!" Is what you should be thinking if someone playing Gruul has this in their hand. What a killer Uncommon. If you've got the mana available and bloodrush and then drop this card, it could get nasty. Real nasty. Me likee. |
Okay, so the "Dirty" side of this card might be useful. Especially if you want to re-use a nasty bloodrush spell you just casted. Next turn, return it and do it again. Can't hurt, right? |
Can you say, "Hey, I like to bloodrush myself!" You might be able to. I suppose it could have it's uses, but for me, the 3 mana cost when playing an aggro Gruul deck, probably going to try to find a cheaper way to boost this guy. Not one of the ones I will be hoping for. |
Hmm, once again, with a bloodrushed creature. This could be nasty. You can use the same creature to target another creature and take it out too. Blood is excellent! It's a rare, so my chances of grabbing it are not high, but hey, I wouldn't be too upset.
And if you got paired with Golgari, the Flesh side of things don't look too terrible either.
Well I suppose "Give" might have it's advantages, 3/3 for 3 isn't awful, and they stick around, so might be worth it. |
Nice, I can dig it. A little boost for the killing and then they have to block me with multiples, a call to make a decision I think. Would not be horribly disappointed to pull this. |
I mean yeah, IF I pulled this, I might poop my pants a little. But I mean, I carry wet wipes, so it's not a huge deal. |
Is this the new Primordial Hydra? I don't really think so, but still, with double strike and the adding counters nastiness. I think it holds some good potential. I would like to pull it, but with the 4 packs, it's not likely. |
How do you choose a random creature??
"Okay judge, come over here and spin me around 3 times and aim me towards his creatures and I will point!"
Good, huge body, excellent ability. Boom. |
Hey, I like this guy, like a nasty Arbor Elf who likes to slap people
So that is all for just the Gruul cards, let's take a look at the Mono-Green and Mono-Red cards that go along with it. Just for gigs.
A 2/1 common with Trample and Evolve. I can see this getting a slot in some Standard decks, might not be a bad throw in with some of these larger creatures out there either for a Gruul pre-release deck. |
I am not really sure why you would ever pay 6 mana to make this guy a 5/5, but the 2/2 for 2 isn't a bad deal. I suppose if you had 8 mana laying around and had one card in hand that you didn't want to play yet it might be worth doing . . . somewhat useless in my humble opinion. |
Seems like a waste of paper to me. I would almost NEVER play this card. For 6 you get a 5/4 with Trample, and it gives only multicolored creatures Trample. Hmmmm . . . |
I mean, daaaaang! If you are running a mono-green counter deck, holy crap this guy could get dangerous quick!! I like. For sure. Maybe not with a Gruul setup, but definitely would not be upset to pull this guy. |
If you are running gates (which at this pre-release, why wouldn't you be?) this is a good deal for a quick life gain, could give you some time advantage for a turn 4 drop. I like this guy. |
I have said it once and I will say it again. THIS CARD IS DYNAMITE!! Even if you are not playing against blue, it still has Flash, can't be countered and has Reach!! And it's a 2/2 for 2!! What more can you ask for??
Probably going to be one of my new favorite cards. Yes friggin please! Will go in every deck I have green in, and maybe some I don't. Why wouldn't you. If you are running a Burning-Tree Emissary Deck, even better. |
It's basically Pit Fight for 1 less mana that you can use for guys you either evolve or have boosted. Probably a sideboard for some creature removal. Still, if you are running a counter deck, why not? |
Holy mackerel. Where has this been!! I mean, for reals? This is raw power in a bag. I sure hope I get these. I mean, later days, after this pre-release, cast this alongside a Predator's Rapport. Can . . you . . believe it? minimum 11 life for 3 mana, yes please. |
Same deal as the Maze Behemoth, except this guy actually might make things fun a little later in the game. Haste adds a whole different dimension than Trample. I can see this getting play is some Rakdos decks. |
If I were lucky enough to pull this guy, I would be grateful indeed. What a powerhouse. As I said in my last post. This is the bloodrush that keeps on giving. Play him, kill him, send him to your graveyard. Call him back again after you've trampled. Bloodrush when he gets back to your hand. Why not?
Daddy likey
Another Goblin, and this one has first strike. And he swings every turn. Don't want to be killed you say? You'll be bringing my Pyrewild Shaman back says I! |
The bloodrush makes it all worth it. On second thought, I hate cats. |
Eh, I don't really care for the ability unless you can somehow flicker him. And with the 2/4 he just seems like a decent defender. And not fast enough for how I play . . . |
For one mana to make my guy a first striker, hello aggro card. Oh, and I can make ALL my guys first strikers for 3, hello SUPER aggro card. |
3 to Player and 3 to Creature, look out turn 6. I might put 1 in there somewhere. |
I am not even going to pretend that I know what the crap this card does. It sounds like it's an overly confusing way to shuffle your library and maybe somehow or another cast a card . . . |
Heyo, can you say excellent sideboard. Cuz I sure can, and sure will be adding it to a couple. It's like murder for defenders. |
I can see the usefulness, however, not really for the pre-release as there are way too many options for people to use multicolored creatures. |
And that brings us to the end of the Gruul colored cards for the Dragon's Maze release. But if you plan on running a tri-colored deck, which presumably most people will and does seem to the the push by WOTC, you will want to look at the guilds you may share your color with from the opposite set. My absolute hope and prayer is to score Golgari. So I will start there.

So we can play with "
Entering" as Black is a
Golgari color, and we already are running Red with
Gruul. I can pull a creature from ANY graveyard and run it myself with
Haste on the turn I bring it back. Okay, I am game for that, but with a 6 CMC, that's a little pricey.

Once again, while playing
Golgari, this card is yet again available to use. Maybe I should have started with
Rakdos . . .
I like the block, loses 1 life/
Regenerate thing this guy has going on.

Ah, our first true Golgari card. And it is a doozy. Maybe not so much for a pre-release, but definitely a working card.

So a sideboard for Dimir mill decks. What an excellent solution. You can fill my graveyard up with Land, and I will use it against you.

Not likely that you would draw it, and the ability seems a little redundant. Unless you are running an
Unleash deck, which most cards with
Unleash already have
Haste, doesn't really make much sense. Not playing it if I pull it, just saying.
Can't believe this card is at a $4.69 value.

So we can make use of the "Away" forcing the opponent to sacrifice a creature by turn 3. Not too shabby at all.

This could be playable on so many levels. The only drawback, the 2 Black in the CMC. That could make things a little more difficult.

Very mean snake lady. And very versatile. Yay!

As I said before. This guy is going to make people flip tables. And for good cause. Not likely that you are going to draw it, but if you do. Kudos.
Also, he is already at $7.25, yikes!

Now that's more like it, for 6 mana I get to return a card to my hand to use it again AND it's going to hit my opponent for damage, not too shabby if the card is worth it

Oh that you could draw 3 of them during the pre-release it would be a sweet night indeed.

Hmm, not bad at all. If only it was unblockable then it would be even better.

Now this is very nice, especially if played during the combat phase when you KNOW all your guys are going to die.

I'm not gonna lie, this card makes me nervous.

For a 2 drop, oh yeah. Haste and it's a 3/1, now we mean business. As long as you have the mana that is.

Love it. No need to explain. He is basically a counter factory. Nuff said.
So that basically covers both Rakdos and Golgari, which could both be interpaired when playing, so it doesn't really matter what you get as your paired guild from those two, all of these are available in that color set. Just the mono-black needs to be touched on, so let's review those real fast.
Sooo . . . yeah. He's a rogue . . . I guess he's a decent 2 drop, But I don't really see a whole bunch to get excited about. |
Now this guy has a bunch of people dancing around like they need to pee their pants. But I guess it's a good trade off to give 1 life for 2 cards. |
So the 2 life is a good deal, Defender = meh But the revealing a card at random, just don't get it |
Again, for the high mana cost, it doesn't seem like something I would play except in a mono-black deck. |
I already have a hard-on for this card. There is no drawback. Lawyered. |
Not bad at all. It's solid Rakdos card. I like the Flying, something a lot of the Rakdos seemed to be missing |
Again with the lame-o "when this enters" ability Unless I can flicker it, the one time -2/-2 doesn't seem to be that great to me. |
I want it, yes I do. How is this a common?? 3 CMC, this is perfect for a variety of decks. Wow. |
So we go from the last card, to this!! I mean, it's okay. But wow. It's almost specifically targeting the gatekeepers. Blech |
That's what I'm talkin about right there. This card is awesome. I love these kinds of cards! Reminds me of Contaminated Grounds! |
And that's pretty much it for
Rakdos and
Golgari builds with Dragon's Maze, we only have 1 left to cover and I think I am going to get to most of that tomorrow night. As I have to get back to actually doing something now.
Happy reading and comment if you feel so led. Thanks!
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