First up, there is
Now this is an excellent card. A little mana heavy for the decks I usually play, but meshes well with control and has an answer for any type of removal that may occur. The price is already set at $6.79 on this bad boy, and I expect it will only go up from there. Just SO many options here.
Next up, we have
Still yet
I love this card. While vulnerable to enchantment hate, it's got a dope ability. The only drawback is you get only get to use it once. I love the fact that if you run R/W, you get an ability from it as soon as it hits the field, and it can be activated to prevent a boardwipe. Excellent card IMO.
Next we have
This card is going to end up getting someone killed. If it can't be told to go away as soon as it hits the field, or you aren't playing mega control, it's going to be a doozy to deal with. Yikes. The 5 mana cost can see play fairly early too, so it's not like this is a late game ending drop either.
Next up
Excellent as well. Just good, good, good if you play green. Cheap regenerate can never be a bad thing. I look forward to this in my Werewolf/Wolf deck until rotation.
Next up
Oh, this card is excellent. Good freaking deal. I want all 4 thank you. Nuff said.
I feel this guy deserves a plug. Also, on a side note, yay for Goblins. There seem to be a few that might make a Goblin deck a possiblity now. This guy is the bloodrush that keeps on giving. Very nice!
Next we have
Not bad at all, anytime I can give a creature a 3/3 for 1 mana, I am cool with it.
Next up
This card has nuts. Some real cahoneys. All that for 2 mana. Yes please and give me more.
So you can have your cake and eat it too. Also, who has cake and doesn't eat it? Love it. This card can get ugly very quickly, and with Cipher, keeps coming back and ruining people's day.
Probably one of the only guild champions that I am actually interested in. You sac and scavenge a million times over, building and building. Has a place in my book. Very nice.
Ohhh yeah!
With Black being my all time favorite color, this is a MUST for me. Combine this with some Crypt Ghast and some mono black like Tormented Soul and some Undying Evil you have some potential nastiness on your hands. Nothing like making a mono-black Extort deck. Freakin heck yaya!
Now with all of those being my faves, there are tons of others that are really catchy. But with most of those being rare or mythic rare, there really isn't much of a chance that I am going to pull many of these.
So looking at commons and uncommons, we can break down from there the odds of successful builds
We will start with Azorius:
Creatures first, organized by CMC
Instants and Sorceries also by CMC
Would work well with if paired with Dimir.
This is really only a sideboard card.
Guild Matches:
This is really not an effective Azorius card and doesn't mesh well if you are going for playing any of the other guilds except Selesnya.
Enchantments by CMC
Now that's just from Azorius, to give you an idea of cards you might be looking to build a steady Azorius Deck. But Oh yeah, I remember now. I don't just have one Guild to deal with. If I pick Azorius, I also stand a chance at Orzhov, Boros, and Dimir with my second guildpack. Now that changes the way you would think about building, and also the commons and uncommons as well. So let's start with those next and see where that takes us.
Creatures by CMC:
It seems like this card would pair well with a Golgari deck, so if you picked Orzhov, you could hope for that pairing.
Not bad at all for any pairing really. Would be a decent card to flicker to get rid of some nastiness the opponent might hold.
I like the cheap extort and getting a 2/1 body on the field as well. The lifelink never hurts either.
Instants/Sorceries by CMC:
A solid 5 or 6 drop, seeing as how if you played it turn 6 thats a loss of 4 for them and a gain of 4 for you. Especially if you don't have many other options at the time. Although gaining life is never going to win you the game, them losing it always helps. I can see this working well with 2 or 3 Crypt Ghast out on the field down the road
Down - I really don't see this as much of a pairing here. Seems more like a Dimir mill card to me.
For 5 mana, all my guys get the gain and all yours get the loss, that could be a potential nice swing
Good pairing if you grab Azorius, for 5 you can have your attacker or defender really amp up.
Toil - good deal if you are running life gain and are running out of cards.
Once again, really only a sideboard
To be continued as I am at work and actually have to work.
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