Sunday, March 17, 2013

FNM - 3/8/13 - O'Fallon, IL

So, I promised a rundown on my matches at the FNM, and I am good to my word, so here it goes.
The deck I was running was at the time a sloppily thrown together Werewolf deck that I was just playing because my other deck wasn't ready yet and would get stomped. I didn't really expect much out of this other than maybe a few points, so I threw it together with what I had which was this:

Moonmist Destruction Decklist

Creatures: (20)
1x Huntmaster of the Fells
4x Immerwolf
1x Village Ironsmith
2x Reckless Waif
3x Wolfbitten Captive
2x Scorned Villager
1x Mondronen Shaman
4x Mayor of Avabruck
1x Scorchwalker
1x Skarrg Guildmage

Instants: (11)
4x Moonmist
4x Searing Spear
3x Pillar of Flame

Land: (22)
8x Forest
9x Mountain
2x Gruul Guildgate
1x Stomping Ground
2x Rootbound Crag

Sorcery: (4)
1x Mugging
3x Revenge of the Hunted

Enchantments: (3)
2x Descendant's Path
1x Rancor

All in all, a fairly balanced, albeit, not all that powerful aggro deck.

This won't be super specific, because it was over a week ago and my brain isn't that great. But I will post the highlights.

1st Match vs - A guy who had been playing for 14 hours. Playing a storebought Boros deck that he had filtered a few things out of to make it a burn deck.
Game 1 - (I won) He mana screwed super bad and basically just burned a couple of my creatures with searing spear, but after I flipped Mondronen and Bloodrushed Scorchwalker turn 4 and then answered it with a searing spear and a reckless waif next turn, followed by another Moonmist and searing spear the next turn, it was over quick.
Game 2 - (He wins) I mana flooded. Yes, that's right. I mana flooded with 22 lands. I dropped one land and brought in another Village Ironsmith for the next game.
Game 3 - (I won) Drew the Huntmaster the second draw of the game, had a Stomping Grounds and A rootbound crag out by turn 4. Had already dropped a Mayor and A wolfbitten captive with Immerwolf onto the field, dropped the Huntmaster. He speared the Mayor. I dropped a Moonmist and that pretty much ended the game after he went in swinging with 3 spells, effectively killing himself at the beginning of my turn.

Match 2 -
vs a Blue/White control with some flying.
1st Game
   This one was a bit unexpected in my opinion. I opened my hand with a Rootbound Crag, a Forest, and a Mountain, one Reckless Waif, one Searing Spear, one Descendant's Path and a Rancor. Probably one of the best opening hands I could hope for.
By turn 3 he was down to 14 life with no creatures on the field, mana screwed and got mowed down by turn 6.
2nd Game
    Got a little more complex. He started. I had two Mountains in my opening hand. Mulligan to 6 cards. This time no land. Mulligan again. Two more Mountains. So I stick. Two Mountains, a Searing Spear, a Wolfbitten Captive and a Rancor. Wow.
T1    So he plays a Land. Passes turn. I draw my card. An Immerwolf. Not really helpful. I play a Mountain. Pass turn.
T2    He plays another Land, passes turn. I'm in the same boat, so hey, I won't complain. Draw my card, it's Descendant's Path. Just what I needed, more green. So I drop my second Mountain, and pass turn.
T3    He draws, looks at his card, sighs and plays yet another land, then plays an angel of some sort, I don't remember exactly what it was. Alls I know is I dropped that Searing Spear like it was HOT. He looks pretty hot himself, so I just took the card back and deposited it directly into my graveyard. I untapped my Mountains and drew my card. A Forest, finally. Dropped that and deposited my Immerwolf onto the field. Pass turn.
T4    He draws, drops another land, and plays a human knight, once again, can't remember the name, I do remember it gains +1/+1 for every other human on the field. Nice. He passes turn. (I promise, I will get better at the names the more recent the games get.) I draw, don't remember what it was, but it wasn't anything spectacular, so I dropped the Descendant's Path and swung with Immerwolf. He decides not to block and take the damage, no big deal. So he is at 18. I pass turn.
T5   He draws, scowl face, drops another mana. Might I add that all his mana is white up to this point. He is not happy. He passes turn. I flip over my top card, and wouldn't you know. It's an Immerwolf. Sometimes my luck is awesome. So now I have 2 3/3 wolfs on the field. Oh yes, I forgot why he didn't block last turn, he couldn't, with the intimidate effect he can't block with a white. Then I draw my card for the turn. It's a Forest. Still, not too bad and I could use the mana. So I drop my Forest and proceed to drop my Rancor on my Immerwolf that can attack. I also drop my Wolfbitten Captive giving me 0 cards in hand. I need it on the field if I flip over a human or werewolf card, as I'm thinking I won't get lucky with yet another Immerwolf. So I swing with the Immerwolf, and he, thinking he will be clever, thinks that he can block and declares a blocker calling out "Haha!" and drops a Smite. I point out that Immerwolf has intimidate and cannot be blocked by a white creature. He assigns the 5 damage and now has 13. I pass turn.
T6   He draws, drops a white land, and shakes my hand. Game he says. I will be swinging lethal next turn. 4 from the transformed Wolfbitten Captive, 3 from Immerwolf 1, and 5 from Immerwolf 2, and when I flippy the card over, guess who it is, The Huntmaster.

3rd Match
vs a Gruul Bloodrush deck, it was brutal.
1st Game
He won the toss and by turn 2 had already hit me for like 5 damage. I just remember him turn 3 bringing out Vexing Devil. I let him bring it out and then blocked it with a Reckless Waif and Searing Spear. Then turn 4 he brought out another on, this one I didn't have an answer for, but let it come out anyways. He bloodrushed it with a Ghor-Clan Rampager and hit me for like 7, which brought me down to 8. I don't remember how, but I pulled an Immerwolf and had a Scorchwalker in my hand that I played swinging at him for 7, he blocked with his Vexing Devil. Then from there on, he misdrew and got nowhere. I won handily after Mugging his remaining creature and then Pillar Of Flame'd it.
2nd Game
This game went more my way. He started, I mulligan. Drew good cards, don't remember what they were. But the game only went to 6 turns, and by turn 6 I had 2 Mayor Of Avabruck, 1 Immerwolf, a Scorned Villager and a Mondronen Shaman on the field with a Moonmist in my hand. He conceded on turn 6.

4th Match
vs a multicolored hellfest of stuff, most of it was red and white I think . . . some green, some black. It was a super fantastic infinite loop (which I thought if an infinite loop ever occured the game ended in a draw)
    Alls I remember, he kept saccing Burning Tree Emissary, two of them, and had an Undercity Informer out that he used to mill me til I hit lands, and then was using Restoration Angel to exile all zombies and restore all humans. So looptey loop, I am milled out infinitely, he keeps saccing humans, attaching something that exiles Resto Angel unless he is removed, then the human comes right back as soon as he sacs with the Burning Tree Emissary, who produces the mana he needs to keep the loop. Ugly. Did it to me twice. I had no defense.
   Meanwhile, my 6 turn speed wins were nowhere to be found. Mana flooded the first and second game. Absolutely infuriating. Especially with the Foil Promo Farseek on the line for top 2 of the night.

   So that was my night, walked away with 3 packs that I pulled a Domri Rade and a Foil Breeding Pool out of. Not too bad at all.

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