- Temple of Enlightenment - the W/U Scryland
- Temple of Malice - the B/R Scryland
- Temple of Plenty - the G/W Scryland
UPDATE: There is speculation that this will be like ISD and we will get a 5-3-2 release on the Scry Lands, which makes me sad, but apparently WOTC is more keen to use those Rare slots for other cards.
We have had a big development since Christmas though! A New Planeswalker!!

I personally think this card could be broken pretty easily. All you need is the mana to keep open to counter a kill spell, and a Prophet of Kruphix on the table and you have everything you need to keep this baby ramping for you. It does fall prey if your opponent has a very heavy creature deck, with the 2 starting CMC, which is why I see this being in a lot of turbo fog decks, especially the Maze's End turbo fog decks. We will see more what she is capable of as more of the set spoils.
Here are a couple of other links for you to check out regarding this.
WOTC Official Announcement
MTG Realm Kiora Article
So now we have Springleaf Drum, a reprint from Lorwyn
Personally, I think this is a fun card. Lots people saying that it will never see Standard Constructed. I don't tend to disagree with them. It's a decent fixer, and allows any creature to become a mana dork. I can see how it wouldn't be ideal for most decks because you'd rather actually have the mana dork than this, but not bad as a limited card when your fixing options aren't there. It would be way better to have this be a 3 CMC mythic that loses the tap function and keeps the text.
Feel free to check them out yourself at http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=566945#7982
Until next time, keep brewing and we look forward to giving you more spoiler info as the season continues!!