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Okay, here are the results from this week's FNM!!
Our Mono-Black deck, we did a small amount of changing things up! We have the new decklist here for you! It went 3-2 this week, only being beat by a mono-blue control deck, and a mirror match with another Mono-Black Devotion deck. It won 8'th place overall in the event out of 21.
Mono-Black Devotion
Creatures: (19)
- 4x Desecration Demon
- 2x Erebos, God of the Dead
- 3x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 4x Lifebane Zombie
- 4x Nightveil Specter
- 2x Pack Rat
- 2x Doom Blade
- 2x Hero's Downfall
- 3x Pharika's Cure
- 2x Corrupt
- 3x Thoughtseize
- 2x Whip of Erebos
- 3x Liliana of the Dark Realms
- 19x Swamp
- 4x Temple of Deceit
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sideboard: (13)
- 3x Devour Flesh
- 2x Diabolic Tutor
- 4x Duress
- 2x Hero's Downfall
- 2x Ultimate Price
This week we are going to try and work Underworld Connections
into this deck, we feel like the merit of having it there is going to really help us out a lot!
Next up, we have the Mid-Range Junk deck, that went 2-2-1 this week, and one of the wins we gave to a mono-blue control, which theoretically was a draw.
The other draw was to a Spellheart Chimera deck. I won the first game, and the second game it went to time and I misplayed and didn't discard to the troll, and the judge misheard me say "is it good?" when I played the Whip and thought I said "go ahead", so that really screwed me too, Pretty much lost an entire turn on turn 2.
The one match it actually lost went 2-1, I lost the first game due to it going 25 minutes, and I conceded to start over. I won the 2'nd match, and then he came back in and won the third at almost time.
I did win my mirror match, against a Golgari deck. I won that 2-1, and I also went 2-1 against a Boros aggro deck, which theoretically should have killed me. But hey, that's the game right.
I will be re-tooling this deck this week, and should have a new decklist up for you by mid-week or so! This weekend I will be playing in Springfield, IL. And then I won't be at FNM, or here, for 2 weeks, as I have my National Guard AT starting on Nov 1st and going through the 16th.
As always, thanks for reading and keep brewing those decks!!